Happy Birthday Manchild!
PS -if you've seen Ben's neck, let us know where to find it, we've looked everywhere!
The other night we had this great impromptu pizza party with our neighbors and we ended up discussing that Gabe's birthday would be on Monday. The ladies were a little tipsy, and suggested pulling the neighborhood together for a street party for Gabe. It all sounded like the kind of idea that seemed great...when drunk. And for a second I wondered if anyone would remember the grandeos plans the next day. I didn't have anything else planned, I felt bad since I didn't do anything for Laine's birthday a few months back, it was just too much at that time to put something on...
To my relief / horror / joy, they did remember. And Monday, it was on. It was some work for sure, but was so worth it and was probably the greatest birthday party we have thrown to date. That is not saying much. I'm not nearly as festive as I should be, and with most birthdays happening overseas or while pregnant or just on the verge of moving or having just moved, it hasn't helped.
This was great though. Everyone brought some nibbles and there were presents galore. Gabe was surrounded by his favorite ladies who he just adores. The tall one is Amberleigh of whom he is in love with and even calls 'Mummy' sometimes. He follows her around where ever she goes, arms outstretched and whining until she'll pick him up. It's a crack-up.
I made a mountain cake with some hills and country roads. Gabe is so into cars, so I thought he'd like it. It was probably the ugliest thing I've ever seen, not being modest, but the girls all went apey for it and thought it was magnificent. And it did taste incredible... it was a raspberry almond cake with coconut, of my own creation. I made it with half flour and half almond meal and the recipe will be on HG tomorrow if you're interest has been piqued.
You are so fun and have such a joy about you. Your little chicklette teeth and deep husky voice with accompanying lisp keep everyone cracking up. And you run like a girl, which is hilarious /adorable now but we do hope you grow out of it, but not too soon.
You are a Wildman, and you grow more and more wild everyday. It's been very eye-opening as a Mum who grew up without any brothers! But we love your antics and none of us can get enough of you. You're one in a million my little bebe! Kisses!
Aw. Happy Birthday Gabe. He is so cute. Little boys are so much fun. And what did happen to Ben's neck, that one is kind of freaky.
Happy Birthday cute, cute little boy! He is so cute, and I like the cake, very out of the box thinking!
Did you photoshop Ben's head on one of the neighbor boy's body? It looks like he is missing his neck and not much bigger than Laine.
Hope you had a great day Gabe. Maybe your mom will make you another b-day cake when you get to Utah.
I don't know what you are talking about with the cake. I can see why the girls went crazy for it. It looked so fun. Happy birthday Gabe! Can't wait to see you all soon!
Seriously, did you photoshop Ben in to the picture and then remove his neck...its weird. Ha ha! Happy Birthday my little guy. Are you sure he is not my child? A little chunky, butt chin, raspy voice, howls when he cries...this is sounding all too familiar...I am just saying. And who is this Amberleigh? You know how I feel about these kinds of things....Love you Gabey, can't wait to pinch those cheeks...all of them.
I'm not sure how I came across your blog, but your family is adorable and you are quite entertaining :-) Thanks for letting me lurk :-)
Happy Birthday Gabe! Your cake looks great, and sounds delicious too!
YOu guys are so much fun! That cake sounds delish!
I know you guys loose a lot of stuff, but I never thought you would loose Bens neck, Hope you find it
Seriously though... where is Ben's neck? Is he photoshopped in?!?! It looks like it was a fun party, yeah for Gabe!
I think you have more energy than anyone I know. Happy b-day little guy. BTW its my pleasure to help boost your self-esteem & wow you are popular!!haha
Such a cute blog...happy birthday to your little one...what a cutie!
-sandy toes
Hey Ben and Natalie...just have to chime in about Ben's funkish body. I was staring at the picture thinking "what the h-e-double hockey sticks happened to Ben?" I too thought he couldn't make the party and you just photoshopped his head over some kid that stood in place for him. We know one of Ben's many strengths is his large stature. So something was obviously wrong, but silly me that is Ben's body. Sorry Benr. BTW...Gabe is the spittin' image of his dad. Loved the heels and jacket. Rico...like his dad as well.
You could always try to photoshop a neck on for Ben.
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